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JD Edwards Update Event – 9 juni 2023

9 June 2023
9:30 am - 5:30 pm
Cadran, Forza, Steltix, Quistor (platinum), IntoData, AllOut, ISPnext, Pathlock (gold), Quadira, Pagero (silver), LogiGear (bronze) and Oracle
Fort Voordorp, Voordorpsedijk 28-B, 3737 BK Groenekan

The program for our JD Edwards Update Event is live!!!

Scroll down and register now!!

09.30 Reception and registration
10.00 Welcome and introduction (Filip Plettinck, OBUG)
10.15 Keynote 1: Hans Wiggerman (Oracle Support)
10.45 Keynote 2: How to optimize your JD Edwards with Supply Chain – by Ralph van Toor and Mark Herwege (Oracle)                       READ MORE
11.15 Coffee break
11.30 Breakout sessions – track 1
Room 1

Digital Transformation for Sysadmins – by Glen Mendez (Forza). English spoken.

Room 2

Het Tunnelproject en de werking van Orchestrations- by Nienke van Elst, Lidy Jeschke (Interface) and Damiën Kes (Quistor). Dutch spoken.

Room 3

11.30-11.50 Advanced-Forms® opmaak en distributie van uw JDE documenten voor Email, Print, Peppol en meer @Royal Smilde  by Richard Elsinga (Smilde Food) & Quadira

11.55-12.15  Case study of advanced warehousing @Keune Haircosmetics

By Simon Siemonsma

Room 4

11.30-12.15  Your personal issues regarding Support, with Hans Wiggerman

12.15 Lunch
13.15 Keynote 2: Cyber Security: Veilig digitaal werken interactief vereenvoudigd, by Branko van Ormondt en Robert den Hartog (Cyber Risk Services Grant Thornton)                                                                                  READ MORE
14.00 Breakout sessions – track 2
Room 1

Ontdek de kracht van intuïtieve UX/UI in JD Edwards

By Geert Feron (Sunrise Medical) & Egon van der Jagt (Cadran)                                                                                                                               READ MORE

Room 2

Oracle Guided Learning for JDE (OGL4JDE)                  READ MORE

Jeroen Renes (Steltix)


Room 3

14.00-14.30  How Shimano took control of their JD Edwards Security – by Simone Kippersluis (Pathlock)                                     READ MORE

14.30-14.50  Compliance E-Invoicing outlook; How your organisation can be prepared, by Oscar Valdelvira de la Mata (Pagero). English spoken.

14.45 Refreshment break
15.00 Breakout sessions – track 3
Room 1

JD Edwards Security & Compliance @Scherpenhuizen

By Stefanos Loizou (AllOut Security) and Filip Plettinck (Scherpenhuizen). English spoken.

Room 2

In uitgaven schuilt veel winstpotentie

By Maarten de Ru and John Schouten (ISPnext)

Room 3

Data Monetization with web3/blockchain – new use cases with new technology – by Pieter Gillis (Inkubis) en Frank Weeber (IntoData)


15.30 Keynote 3: Roadmap and Update JD Edwards (Xavier Kurian, Oracle)
16.15 Wrap up and closure


Networking drinks




The end… have a safe trip home and enjoy your weekend!