Newsletter October 2021

Een nieuw seizoen vol beloftes, de eerste fysieke events zijn in voorbereiding, maar ook online events laten wij niet helemaal los.

Agenda 2021
26 oktober: Oracle Groundbreakers Tour EMEA – online
28 oktober: Webinar Why replacing Discoverer with SplasBI? – details will follow soon
18 november: JD Edwards Update Event 2021 – Van der Valk Dordrecht
24 november: SIG Oracle Cloud – locatie n.t.b.
1 december: SIG PeopleSoft – PeopleSoft komt naar je toe! – locatie n.t.b. 


REGISTER HERE for OBUG Oracle Groundbreakers tour EMEA  

13:30 – 14:30 Monika LewandowskaMonika is an experienced Oracle architect, designer, and developer. She has started her journey with Oracle in the last century with Oracle DB 7, continues to this day. She emphasizes the solution’s simplicity, code quality, best practices, and above all – system performance.
She is an Oracle Ace Associate and willingly shares her experience.
She loves fast motorcycles and databases!

15:00 – 16:00 Mia Urman
An Oracle alumnus and a seasoned presenter of Oracle development technologies at international conferences, Mia Urmanis a world class expert in Oracle Forms and ADF, with over fourteen years’ experience presenting, supporting, training, and consulting Oracle products. In her seven years at Oracle Israel, Mia was both a senior support analyst and local product manager of Forms and ADF. Prior to founding AuraPlayer, Mia founded Qesem Consulting Ltd., a high level computer consulting group that’s provides support, architecture design, and product development services to customers in the telecom, government, defence and finance industries.

16:30 – 17:30 Wei Hu
Wei Hu is the Senior Vice President of Development for High Availability and Emerging Technologies at Oracle. He leads the development of mission critical database capabilities including Maximum Availability Architecture, Active Data Guard, Sharding, Recovery, RAC Cache Fusion, and Advanced Queuing. Mr. Hu also leads the development of technologies related to Blockchain, Microservices, and Globally Distributed Databases.
Mr. Hu has B.S. and M.S. degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He has been with Oracle since 1998, holds more than 30 patents, and is the author and co-author of several books and papers.  


Stelt u zich eens voor ….. een fysiek JDE Update 2021. Wij zijn volop in de voorbereiding.
De locatie is Hotel Van der Valk Dordrecht Programma en meer details volgen later.

Wat kunt u nu alvast doen?
* De datum 18 november reserveren in uw agenda.
* Interessante onderwerpen van uw wensenlijst kenbaar maken.
* Met een voorstel komen voor een presentatie en zo kennis te delen.
Input is van harte welkom via 

OBUG & JD Edwards Partners  


SIG Oracle Cloud
Datum: 24 november 2021

12.00 – 13.00 Inloop
13.00 – 16.00 Presentaties & discussies
16.00 – 17.00 Wrap up & networking

Wij zijn bezig met de voorbereidingen van het eerste fysieke Oracle Cloud Event. Reserveer alvast woensdagmiddag 24 november in je agenda. Deze middag is bedoeld voor Oracle Cloud klanten die Oracle Cloud implementeren of al op Oracle Cloud zitten. We zullen een aantal onderwerpen met betrekking tot support, testen en training bespreken. Ideeën over interessante onderwerpen voor op de agenda is van harte welkom via, update programma en meer details volgen later.

Marcel Mouw, SIG leader Oracle Cloud